Over the summer, more than ten Missouri Eta SigEps took a trip to Denver, Colorado to participate in the 57th Grand Chapter Conclave. Conclave brings together undergraduate and alumni brothers from across the country to recognize high achievement, inspire continued success and leave a legacy on the national organization. Attendees participate in personal and professional…
2021 Grand Chapter Conclave Recap
Success at the Carlson Leadership Academy 2020
This years trip to the Carlson Leadership Acedemy was a massive success with many members receiving awards and praise for their achievements this year. Awards won by our MoEta members include… -Chris Krickhan: Tragos quest to Greece winner -Jake Krickhan: Frank J. Ruck Leadership Award -Mike Duggan: Exemplary Alumni Service -John Hopson: Distinguished Alumnus -Alumni…
SigEps To Vets Travels to Ft. Leonard Wood
On Friday, November 22, 2019, a Sig Eps To Vets group (SE2V) made the trip up to Fort Leonard Wood for a one-day orientation and tour of that installation.